Thursday, November 20, 2008

Six secrets/six tags

Good grief. It's 1:36am and I just found out I've been tagged by Gina and must now reveal 6 secrets about myself. I am not going to be happy at 7am when my alarm goes off!

  1. Little noises irritate the crap out of me. Like the sound of someone swallowing or breathing too heavily or the ticking of a clock in a quiet room. I hear all of those right now.
  2. Sometimes I regret having Roger get a vasectomy. Sometimes I want another baby. That used to happen a lot on Sundays when I kept the nursery at church. By Wednesday or Thursday I would come to my senses. I'm too old. My body would completely revolt. The other kids are "easy" now - all potty trained, out of strollers, done with naps. Would I really want to go back to all that? No. But babies are so soft. And they don't talk back. And they smell good. And they are babies. I still want one. Sometimes.
  3. I am a night owl. Obviously - it's 1:45 and I'm still up. I used to be such a morning person. I wish I still was. I miss my mornings.
  4. I used to want to be an aerobics instructor/personal trainer. I'd still like to do that. But I'm out of shape now and don't really have the motivation to change that. I love to exercise, but I also love to eat. And I don't mean veggies. If I ever did get back into shape, I doubt I'd get certified as an instructor. I have started that venture 3 times and each time I got pregnant just before I was ready to take the test. Hmmmm.....
  5. I don't really like to read. Occasionally I will go on a reading binge and read 2 or 3 novels (yes, that's a binge for me), and I enjoy it for that week or two. That happens about once a year. Email is about the extent of my reading.
  6. I don't really like to watch movies either. My attention span is too short. It's not that I don't like the movies themselves, I just don't like to sit around for 2 hours while there are so many other things I could be doing.
  7. I'm pretty stupid. I used to be sort of smart, but motherhood has really dumbed me down. Most women can confirm that when you push out a baby, you also push out at least 100,000 brain cells. Women who go back to work can replenish some of them. And women who have only one child somehow get all of their brain cells back and then some. And women who have c-sections don't seem to be as affected. My sister, Lm, is a good example. She has one child, who was born by c-section, and she works. She was smart before she had her daughter, but she's really smart now. She doesn't forget things she should automatically know - like a blanket is called a blanket. You know how you're looking right at something, and you know what it is, but you can't remember what it's called? Women who have pushed out multiple babies and stayed home with them know what I mean. But Lm probably doesn't. And she's old. She's almost 41 and she can tell you the difference between a blanket, a quilt, a duvet, a coverlet, a throw, and an afghan. That's pretty impressive. She could probably even come up with more types of blankets than that, but I can't. It hurt my poor empty little mind just to name those few.
  8. I am 39 years old. I have to reveal that because Lm is going to get me for picking on her for being old. Roger is also old, so I pick on him, too. But I don't have much time left to do that. I will also be old less than a year from now, so I have to live it up and pick on Rog & Lm for the next 11 months. But I say my age is a secret because most people think I'm younger than I am. Or at least they used to. When I had 4 kids, a lot of people (strangers, I mean) would comment that I didn't look old enough to have 4 kids and I must have started when I was a teenager. I don't get a lot of that anymore. Maybe I do look my age now. So I guess this one turned out to be not much of a secret after all. What a waste of time.
  9. I'm afraid of heights. I used to not be, but this is another one of those things that results from having babies. The more kids I had, the worse it got. I don't like to look over balconies, out of high windows, or go up into an attic with pull-down stairs. That hole in the floor when you get up there freaks me out. I don't like ladders or flying or going into houses that are under construction and the railing is not on the stairs yet. Or even worse, if the stairs are not complete and there is just a narrow board for the steps. I can do all of those things. It's not like I get vertigo or panic attacks. I just don't like any of them, and all of those things used to not bother me a bit.
  10. I am more of a saver than a spender. I'm thrifty. There are people who have called me a miser, but those same people have gotten a taste of reality and they should have eaten those words by now. I don't know if they have, because they don't know that I know they called me a miser on a regular basis for years. But I do know that they look for bargains, don't buy things they don't really need, and will buy a generic brand of something just to save a couple of bucks. Those are the things that won me the title of miser. Most people understand that if you save a little bit on a lot of things, it adds up pretty quickly. And then you have money to buy things you really want. Or to donate to charity, which is something else that I do regularly. How many misers do you know who do that? You know at least one. :)

If you made it through the entire list, you have proof of Mommy Brain. I was only supposed to give 6 secrets, but I gave 10. And it's not because I'm an overachiever either. It's because I'm stupid and I forgot it was only 6 and went to 10. But if you think I'm going to delete all that stuff that I stayed up until 2:30 to type, you're nuts. So now I am supposed to tag 6 people and they have to reveal their secrets. But let's be real. There are probably not 6 people who are going to read this so I stayed up his late for 5 people or less. You people better appreciate that. And you better put some secrets about yourselves in a comment. Good night. Or good morning. However you want to look at it.


Leeann said...


See?? This is the GREAT thing about blogs. Because through a blog you can see so much more personality than through email responses. You just cracked me the hell up. Continuously. GREAT blog entry!!


Gina said...

I loved your secrets. You really made me laugh!

goodness.. your word verification says "ackoffed"

Dick White said...

Regarding #7, I have been able to accomplish the same thing without the assistance of motherhood.